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Beguiling, bewitching, enticing... Rose absolute dances exquisitely with amber, musk, santal, cedarwood, and a melange of spices. Spell Caster sets the perfect ambiance for the season.


Our proprietary blend of all natural coconut & soy waxes cast an enchanting glow without toxins.

Min-Tins are tiny long burning beasts @ 12-13 hours of burn time in a sweet 2oz package.

Our 8oz pour yields 48-52 hours of burn time, depending upon your wick-trimming diligence.

Our 13oz luxury double wick jar yields 78-84 hours of burn time.

Yes, we tested & timed it. 😉

Spell Caster

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review


    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Based on 1 review
    1 review

    • Sheila Villa
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

      You captured roses in full bloom at dusk with beads of glistening water from the hose that just sprinkled them moments ago. The thought is just as beautiful as the scent. It is also extremely provocative and very ladylike in the different levels of rose notes. It also reminds me of playing after dinner in the yard or catching lightening bugs

      It reminds me of the carefree times of growing up and older. A walk down memory lane and all the wonderful memories they are!!!

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